Writing Curriculum


We aim to equip all of our pupils with the skills and confidence to be, and have the belief that they can be, accomplished writers and authors.

They will:

  • Have the motivation to write for a range of purposes
  • Be exposed to, and inspired by, high-quality, engaging class texts.
  • Learn to write well-organised and structured independent pieces, which include varied sentence types and structures.
  • Write with creativity, using their vivid imaginations, understanding that the reader needs to engage and enjoy their writing.
  • Be encouraged to write fluently and coherently with excellent transcription, which will be punctuated and spelled correctly.
  • Develop their ability to present their writing clearly, using a cursive handwriting style which is adopted at each child's correct 'stage' not 'age'.
  • Use highly developed vocabulary alongside good knowledge of writing techniques embedded through a flexible and adaptable Read to Write approach.
  • Remember to write for the reader and they will learn to appreciate the educational, cultural and entertainment values of writing.


Writing is taught in a creative and stimulating way through DfE approved ‘Read to Write’ units.

Read to Write is an evidence-based approach to the teaching of writing. The units are sequentially mapped out so the entire statutory curriculum for writing is covered for each year group.

Each units of work centres on engaging vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of writing opportunities. Each unit provides a narrative and non-fiction outcome meaning that our children are exposed to, and produce, writing from a range of genres and for a range of purposes. The carefully selected Vehicle Texts have strong thematic links to the Science, History and Geography curriculum which means that quality writing is embedded across all subject areas.

Each unit follows the four-phased approach of immerseanalyseplan and write.

At the start of each unit, children are immersed in a high-quality vehicle text. Children will listen to and enjoy the vehicle text being read aloud to them. Children will then immerse themselves into the example text, a model of the writing outcome they will produce.

During the next phase of learning, children will analyse the vocabulary used in the example text and any vocabulary that links to their national curriculum spelling rules and patterns. Children will analyse grammatical features that have been used and engage in the explicit teaching of these. The structure of the model text is analysed and explicitly taught at this point also.

During the planning phase, children use their new learning, the vehicle and example texts as stimulus. They are now ready to plan the intended writing outcome for the unit. It is during this phase that children have the opportunity to use their metacognition skills and really think about, and apply their knowledge, learning and their own creative flair.

The final phase of the unit is the writing phase. Children will finally produce a high-quality independent piece of writing, applying all taught skills and knowledge from the unit. Once completed children will then revise and edit their piece of writing.

Each unit builds on learning, skills and expectations ensuring our children can thrive within the curriculum and every individual can achieve.


As a result of the above we have children who have a 'Can do' attitude towards writing. They consider themselves to be authors and they thrive on showcasing their work. They are confident to take risks, try new things and hold engaging conversations about writing and what makes a good author.

Outcomes are evident via the high-quality work which is produced and the success which the children experience.

The Writing curriculum is evaluated through:

  • Regular checks on the quality of writing in English and curriculum books via learning walks, drop-ins, pupil voice and work scrutinies.
  • Summative assessment occurs when moderating across year groups externally with other local schools. These are carried out 3 times a year.
  • Summative assessment occurs when moderating across key stages internally, these are carried out 3 times a year, unless the teacher wishes to moderate with the English lead more frequently. The analysis of this is used to identify areas of development and any children who are not making expected progress.


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Kettleshulme St JamesCE (VA) Primary School

Macclesfield Road,
Kettleshulme Cheshire SK23 7QU

School Administrator | Rachel Blood
01663 738020

Kettleshulme St James CE (VA) Primary School Logo

‘With The Lord by our side, we build inner strength and create a loving family where all individuals can soar high’John 10:10

Headteacher | SENDCo
Alicia Bellshaw
