School Family

Once you join our school, be it as a pupil, member of staff, parent, volunteer or even a friend then you become a member of our School Family.

We are tremendously proud of our family as it is a very special one indeed.

As you will already know the fundamental principle of family is 'kindness', and we can promise you that when you join the 'Kettleshulme Family' you will be cared for, loved, welcomed and celebrated.

All stakeholders feel very strongly about this and we all go above and beyond to uphold the values and virtues of a family.

Our pupils have this modelled to them by the way that the adults in the school care for each other and they themselves are also taught how to care for others. Older pupils are buddied up with younger pupils and they take on the role of 'older siblings' as they help the young children to settle in, navigate the building, make friends and develop their confidence. 

Our doors are always open to help you, listen to you and support you - whatever it is that you need help with.

We hope that our Virtual Tour shows you what this looks like on a daily basis.

Kettleshulme St JamesCE (VA) Primary School

Macclesfield Road,
Kettleshulme Cheshire SK23 7QU

School Administrator | Rachel Blood
01663 738020
Kettleshulme St James CE (VA) Primary School Logo

‘With The Lord by our side, we build inner strength and create a loving family where all individuals can soar high’John 10:10

Headteacher | SENDCo
Alicia Bellshaw