Hillside Class 2023 - 2024

Ms Sandres

Hillside Class Teacher

Mrs Bellshaw

Welcome to Hillside Class!

My name is Mrs Sandres and I am the full time class teacher in Hillside. We are also supported by Mr B each Monday, Thursday and Friday.


In Hillside Class we all have very important jobs that impact the rest of our school family. Our jobs are:

School Council Reps

Eco Ambassadors

Emotional Wellbeing Ambassadors

Birthday Monitors

Health and Safety Ambassadors


Fitness Ambassadors

HEART Ambassadors

Music Ambassadors


We work well as a class and try our best to always demonstrate mutual respect and kindness at all times.



We would like to share with you one of our favourite resources. Whether you are an avid reader who is looking for more inspiration or a more reluctant reader who simply hasn't found the book/author/series for you yet - you will love these reading lists.

They feature a huge range of tantalising texts to hook you in. Texts ranging from classics to new releases, mysteries to sci-fi. There is something for everyone. Take a look!

Year 5 Reading List

Year 6 Reading List

Alternatively, you might have found an author whom you adore but have now read all of their books and don't know what to read next!

#bookmatch will suggest other books which you might like as they are similar to books written by your favourite author:


If you are doing any preparation for Y6 SATs at home then the BBC Bitesize website is very useful:


Enjoy and you're welcome!


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Kettleshulme St JamesCE (VA) Primary School

Macclesfield Road,
Kettleshulme Cheshire SK23 7QU

School Administrator | Rachel Blood
01663 738020

Kettleshulme St James CE (VA) Primary School Logo

‘With The Lord by our side, we build inner strength and create a loving family where all individuals can soar high’John 10:10

Headteacher | SENDCo
Alicia Bellshaw
