Forest School
At Kettleshulme St James we are extremely proud of the Forest School provision which we offer to all pupils across the school.
We value the dimension which Forest School sessions bring to our curriculum and more importantly, the way that the sessions enhance the experiences which they expose our children to.
Most importantly we value this dimension for ALL of our children, not just those in EYFS or KS1 or those who are disadvantaged. At Kettleshulme ALL of our pupils have the opportunity to take part in these sessions.
It is during these sessions that our children learn the true value of our natural environment, the importance of caring for it and also the skills to name the trees, plants, creatures and habitats around them.
In addition to this our children also use this opportunity to develop their confidence, resilience, connection with the outdoors and their ability to work as a team in a space where all academic restraints are removed - thus making everyone equal.
Our sessions are led by Rachel Browne and Alicia Bellshaw, who are both Level 3 Forest School Leaders (and have been for some time!).
Sessions for Forest Class take place in our Quiet Garden and around the edges of our school field.
Sessions for Meadow Class and Hillside Class take place at Clayton Christmas Tree Farm, which is a beautiful 15 minute walk away through the lanes of Kettleshulme.
During our sessions the children have the chance to:
Use a variety of tools
Complete challenges
Light fires
Prepare and cook a variety of campfire food
Explore and play
Gather around the fire
Reflect on nature and their environment
Work together
Solve problems
AND much much more!
Please take a few minutes to listen to this wonderful Forest School Poem
Rachel Browne is one of our Forest School Leaders and here is her story:
It’s a few years ago now that I had a chance conversation with Mrs Bellshaw at the bottom of a dry ski slope whilst watching the Beaver Scouts learning how to snow-plough. I recollect her telling me she’d done her Forest School training and it was one of the best training courses she’d done as a teacher. This set me on a journey of discovery that I’m so grateful for.
I’ve always been an outdoorsy person and a lot of my free time is spent walking, running and being out and about. I’ve had a life-long association with Scouts and Guides too which has given me so many opportunities for outdoor adventures. We’re extremely fortunate to have our own woodlands in Wales and Shropshire that we manage for wildlife and just to enjoy being in with family and friends. I’m very aware from my own experience of the benefits for mental health of being outdoors, there’s not many situations that can’t be improved by just going outside, even just for a few minutes.
And so the journey began with my Forest School Leader training which I started in September 2016. I met some amazing people, and even had the privilege of training alongside my sister. Since completing the training I’ve worked in facilitating Forest School sessions alongside teaching in a number of schools. Then in September 2018 I was lucky enough to start working in a fully outdoor preschool where I worked until it closed at the end of 2023. Being fully immersed in the woodland setting in all weathers and for whole days was truly transformative and the ability to be child-led with the freedom of time and space was a wonderful experience.
It was no surprise to find that outdoor learning was such an integral part of the ethos at Kettleshulme, what a special place of learning this is! I’m really looking forward to sharing lots more outdoor experiences as part of team Kettleshulme. The journey continues!
For more information about our Forest School curriculum please look at our Design and Technology page as we try to cover a number of the Design and Technology objectives through our Forest School provision.