
Curriculum Intent

Our school vision, ‘A loving branch from which to soar.’, along with our key Christian Values (Hard work, Empowerment, Acceptance, Respect, Thankfulness) form the golden thread which runs through our whole curriculum design. Staff lead by example as they consistently model what is expected of our young people in order to guide them onto their own path of blossoming into valuable citizens who will have a positive impact on the world. We aspire to create young people who intrinsically know what it means to demonstrate our Christian Values even in the absence of adults. We listen carefully to the voices of our pupils and we encourage them to help us to shape their learning as valued members of our School Family. We hope to create a place where positive relationships, based on mutual respect and trust, create the foundation to enable each and every one of our children to soar in whichever direction is the right one for them.

Our children learn through a broad, ambitious, progressive and engaging skills-based curriculum which is designed to support them with effectively unlocking their own unique gifts and skills. Our bespoke approach is designed to provide all pupils with enriching learning experiences. We show particular awareness of our unique school profile, due to our rural location and the cultural capital deficits this leads to.  

We want our children to really appreciate and value the incredible environment and community which they belong to.

Our wonderful teaching staff are dedicated to ensuring that each and every single child leaves our setting as the best version of themselves ready to soar into their next adventure.

The key principles behind the design of our curriculum are for our children to:

  • be confident, independent and resilient learners with a thirst and curiosity for learning
  • show empathy and compassion whilst valuing diversity
  • be academic achievers across the curriculum
  • develop their cultural knowledge
  • always know that their dreams are achievable if they work hard enough to reach them
  • be successful citizens who go on to make positive contributions to the world they live in

Curriculum Implementation

Our carefully designed curriculum meets the legal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary National Curriculum along with the diocesan agreed syllabus for Religious Education, whilst also taking into consideration our unique profile and location.

We have long-term overviews which record our overall coverage and medium-term plans which feature more detail. Our curriculum is responsive to the learning journey and demonstrates the progressive nature of the learning taking place.

Our vision and values are threaded through all areas of learning as they underpin our approach.

We have created a list of concept vocabulary in all subjects in order to be clear about our progression and to help our children to remember more as the concept vocabulary will be addressed across multiple units.

PSHE lies at the heart of our curriculum to closely meet the needs of our pupils, focusing on well-being, positive self-awareness, relationships and the wider world. Through our curriculum, we equip our children with all of the tools which they need to manage their own physical and mental well-being.

We believe that our fundamental task is to teach our children to speak clearly and articulately and to read and write effectively. Reading across all curriculum areas is a priority to extend and deepen pupils understanding and use of vocabulary. We want pupils to develop a love of reading during their time at Kettleshulme and be exposed to a range of literature. The use of the school library and class shared texts are pivotal to this.

We prioritise experiential learning within our curriculum in order to empower our children. Visitors are regularly invited into school, experts are sought to deliver specific areas of learning alongside the teachers, educational and residential visits are carefully chosen to deepen understanding and we make the most of our beautiful outdoor learning environment to enhance hands-on learning experiences. In addition to this we have created a unique progressive outdoor skills programme which is run for all year groups and accessed on a half termly basis.  We also offer a wide range of After School Clubs.

Continuing Professional Development for all staff is a priority to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver the highest standards across the entire curriculum. Curriculum Champions have the necessary knowledge to play a pivotal role in both the design and delivery of their key areas; ensuring a clear progression of both skills and knowledge across all year groups, underpinned by a robust assessment system. They can confidently articulate how learning is re-visited and developed year-on-year, to ensure a real depth of learning right across the school.

Curriculum Impact

Our children demonstrate confidence, independence, resilience and a curiosity for learning. They are able to form meaningful relationships based upon mutual respect and trust, recognising and celebrating differences, not only within the school community but in the wider world as well.

As a result of our experiential curriculum, our children excel as individuals – they will not measure themselves against others but instead will be confident in their own skin and be able to articulate what their own gifts and talents are. This prepares them well for the challenges of the secondary school curriculum.

Our children are good citizens and have aspirations for the future, which they know can be realised via self-belief and hard work.

As a result of a progressive curriculum, with a focus on concept vocabulary and the implementation of our FB4 slides (Flash Back 4), our children will retain more knowledge. We will know this via our assessments which take place in the form of quizzes, ‘Speak like an expert’ activities and pupil voice opportunities.



While at this school you will have the opportunity to:

Enjoy visits to other places to enrich your learning. These places will include a zoo, a museum, a historical site, a bookshop, a sports venue, a music venue, and more

Learn all about our local area and what makes it special

Ride on a train, a coach and a minibus

Support and engage with the community, including a local charity

Engage in regular Forest School sessions

Represent our school in music, sport, and other competitions

Build relationships with children from other schools

Care for an animal

Have a responsible role in the class or across the school

Learn about world festivals and other cultures

Learn about the Christian faith and work with members of our church

Work alongside volunteers on conservation projects

Learn to play a musical instrument

Perform to an audience

Develop new skills which will sometimes initially put you out of your comfort zone

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Kettleshulme St JamesCE (VA) Primary School

Macclesfield Road,
Kettleshulme Cheshire SK23 7QU

School Administrator | Rachel Blood
01663 738020

Kettleshulme St James CE (VA) Primary School Logo

‘With The Lord by our side, we build inner strength and create a loving family where all individuals can soar high’John 10:10

Headteacher | SENDCo
Alicia Bellshaw
