Meadow Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs James

Welcome to Meadow Class

My name is Mrs James and I am the teacher every day apart from Thursdays, when Mrs Price takes the reins!

Meadow class are also lucky to have Mrs Derrig and Miss Scarlett  providing support and our fabulous governor Gill volunteering on a Wednesday and a Friday.

We are always busy learning new skills, sharing stories, and generally having fun.

We are a very kind and friendly bunch.

Reading for Pleasure

As a school we continue to promote reading for pleasure and so that you can access the most up-to-date reading lists available for Year 3 and Year 4 I have included two links to the website 'The Reading Teacher' below. In class, we will be sharing a number of texts each term.Over the next few weeks, I will be reading 'Thr Boy with the Bronze Axe' by Kathleen Fidler which fits in perfectly with our Stone Age History topic!

Year 3 Reading List

Year 3 Reading List with descriptions

Year 4 Reading List

Year 4 Reading List with descriptions

#bookmatch is another great resource.  This link helps you to find new authors to experience when you have read all of the books by your favourite author as it finds other books which are similar for you to enjoy!

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Kettleshulme St JamesCE (VA) Primary School

Macclesfield Road,
Kettleshulme Cheshire SK23 7QU

School Administrator | Rachel Blood
01663 738020
Kettleshulme St James CE (VA) Primary School Logo

‘With The Lord by our side, we build inner strength and create a loving family where all individuals can soar high’John 10:10

Headteacher | SENDCo
Alicia Bellshaw