Games Makers

Lesson: Physical Development

Thank you to our fabulous Games Makers for making lunchtimes such fun! 

Our trained Games Makers, who are all pupils in Class 3, plan and lead engaging and active sessions for pupils from Class 1 and Class 2 each lunchtime. 

They even look the part with their whistles and t-shirts!

Kettleshulme St JamesCE (VA) Primary School

Macclesfield Road,
Kettleshulme Cheshire SK23 7QU

School Administrator | Rachel Blood
01663 738020
Kettleshulme St James CE (VA) Primary School Logo

‘With The Lord by our side, we build inner strength and create a loving family where all individuals can soar high’John 10:10

Headteacher | SENDCo
Alicia Bellshaw